Decoster Farms - Nursery 9

There are dumpsters nearly 10 feet from the road. After recent investigation I found one of them overflowing with deceased piglets.


DeCoster farms has a long history of paying fines worth millions of dollars for animal cruelty, falsifying records, swindling contractors and polluting. Austin DeCoster was found to have made immigrant workers, many of them in the US illegally, live and work in squalid and unsafe conditions. The company paid $1.5m to settle allegations that supervisors at Iowa plants raped female workers. Austin Decoster and his son Peter Decoster also served 3 months of time in prison after selling eggs contaminated with salmonella in 2010. Time after time again Decoster Farms has been exposed for exploiting their workers, cruelty and neglect to the animals, causing environmental damage and negligence overall.

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